Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Chocolate quote of the day!

Wacky/Amusing Diet Story of the Week:
Early Fad Diet:
In 1927, Thomas Short wrote a treatise called "The Causes and Effects of Corpulence," 
(Corpulant refers to a fat person) in which he observed that heavier people tended to 
live near swamps. His recommendation? Overweight people should pick up and move
 to more arid climates to avoid the apparent ill effects of swamp life.

Source: abc news/ Good Morning America Jan.10, 2005

Monday, November 17, 2014

Chocolate quote of the day!

Chocolate quote of the day!


              Welcome to Sassy Gal's Blog! 

      I hope you enjoy the chocolate quotes,          the wacky and amazing diet stories, 
                               and more!